Sunday, November 9, 2008

Speaking of Himeji Castle, where Eric and I visited in the Catch Up post, it wasn't the first time I'd been to the castle grounds, although it was the first time I'd gone in.

A million years ago, when I looked like this (Tuko, Me, Grace):

And was living in Japan on the Study Abroad Program at UC Berkeley... when Eddie Vedder was still but a child.... actor...

...I fell in love with this Japanese pop singer, Noguchi Goro. Later, when I got married, and we went to live in Kobe for a year, I joined his fan club. They had a meeting at Himeji castle, so I went down there, and while my Japanese wasn't very good, I joined them...

While I was in Kobe, Goro did a tour, stopping in Kobe, so I had to go see him. Usually a Japanese pop singer has one single at a time, and they sing it over and over on the Japanese TV shows, until it is time to come out with a new one. So I was very excited to see a whole show with him singing. I was pregnant with Keith at the time, and the girls around me at the show (I don't recall seeing any boys there) thought I was more interesting than a space alien...

Goro was lovely, and talked quite a bit between songs, a natural comedian. I didn't understand all he said, but at one point, he was talking about his brother getting married, and asked if there was anyone in the audience who was married. A few, including me, raised our hands... and the girls next to me yelled out, "She's pregnant!" So Goro turned to me (I must have been in the 15th row or some such) and said a few words to me. All I remember is turning bright red, and that he said something about what a good mother I was making the baby listen to such good music so young!

Today, my roommate in Japan during the year at college there, Tuko, sent me a video of another Japanese pop singer we liked (especially her) and that set me off exploring YouTube for hours, and prompted this post. So here is what the fuss is about:

Goro singing my favorite, Kirameki

Goro singing my other favorite, Amai Seikatsu

If you can find a 35 year old video of a Japanese pop singer on YouTube, you can truly find anyting!


tuko said...

Wow Laurie, what a great story. It's coming back to me now... Your blog is great, you are quite the storyteller. But of course I have to put in my link to a Sawada Kenji video:



Laurie Hester said...

Ah, I remember that one from our year there! Didn't Grace like Fuse Akira? I did a quick search and saw this...


tuko said...

I don't remember who Grace liked. I thought it was Noguchi Goro too. But then, she did like older men then (hence, Fuse Akira), haha....

andrea said...

i am a big fan of noguchi goro too and i enjoyed reading your post ! i am 35 and in Brazil, never had the chance to see his performance in person but it is great to have the chance to see his videos on you tube now. cheers !

Laurie Hester said...

Andrea,I would love to hear how you came to be a fan of Goro, since he stopped singing when you were very young...